United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Kobe Office

What is OCHA ?

Tom Fletcher
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises.
OCHA was established by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/182 (1991) as a part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA mobilizes aid, shares information, supports humanitarian efforts, and advocates for crisis-affected communities. Its 2,400 staff members work at the Headquarters in New York and Geneva as well as in over 60 locations worldwide. About 92 per cent of OCHA’s programme activities are funded by voluntary contributions with the remaining 8 per cent covered by the United Nations Regular Budget.
The United Nations and partners reach an annual average of 140 million crisis-affected people targeted in Humanitarian Response Plans produced by OCHA in collaboration with humanitarian partners across the world.
Message from the OCHA Kobe Office

Akiko Yoshida
We would like to take the opportunity to first and foremost thank the people of Japan for your compassion and support for those caught in humanitarian crises.
OCHA ensures there is a framework within which each actor, including many from Japan, can collaborate and contribute to the overall response to help crisis-affected people rapidly get the humanitarian assistance and protection they need. For example, OCHA produces analyses of crisis situations, informing decision-making by multitudes of actors. OCHA also fosters collaboration through serving as the secretariat for Humanitarian Coordinators who are responsible for leading and coordinating the efforts of humanitarian organizations when international assistance is required.
OCHA leads the international community’s efforts to develop a robust humanitarian architecture so that humanitarian action is principled and accountable. OCHA advocates the protection of civilians and respect for international humanitarian law. It also promotes interaction between civilian and military entities in humanitarian responses. Furthermore, OCHA manages pooled funds to enable frontline responders to rapidly deliver life-saving assistance to people who need it most.
OCHA has enjoyed strong ties with Japan, with Mr. Yasushi Akashi serving as the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator during 1996-98 and the late Mr. Kenzo Oshima serving during 2001-03. OCHA Kobe Office, established in 1999, works to strengthen partnerships with the Japanese authorities, UN agencies in Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), NGOs, the private sector and others, and raise awareness of humanitarian crises and the needs of the affected people. We would appreciate your continued support to help people in crises and engagement with the United Nations humanitarian work around the world.
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Kobe Office
Disaster Reduction Museum East 5F, 1-5-2, Wakinohama-Kaigandori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, 651-0073, Japan
Tel:078-262-5555 / Fax:078-262-5558