World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Japan Office

What is WIPO ?

Director General
Daren Tang
WIPO is the specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to developing a balanced, accessible and international intellectual property (IP) system.
IP provides instruments to stimulate and diffuse the innovation and creativity necessary for economic development (through patents, industrial designs and copyright), and to establish order in the market by combating uncertainty, confusion and fraud (through trademarks and unfair competition law).
WIPO provides a forum for negotiating international IP treaties and standards; assists governments in using IP as part of their development strategies; provides IP training to various target groups; and delivers commercial IP services to the private sector.
Message from the WIPO Japan Office

Tomoki Sawai
WIPO’s operations are largely funded by revenue from the services it provides to the private sector. These services are designed to facilitate the protection of IP assets worldwide through simple, efficient and cost-effective systems. The PCT System is available for the protection of inventions, the Madrid System for the protection of trademarks, and the Hague System for the protection of industrial designs.
Japanese corporations are among the top users of WIPO services. Top companies using the PCT system include Panasonic, Sharp, Toyota and NEC. Japan is also among the top ten countries filing and being designated under the Madrid System, indicating the importance of the System for Japanese companies protecting their trademarks abroad and foreign companies protecting their trademarks in Japan.
The high rate of use of WIPO services among Japanese companies is not surprising given the importance Japan’s public, private and academic sectors place on IP. Japan’s positive experience in creating, protecting and exploiting intellectual property offers valuable lessons for other countries wishing to make IP an integral part of their economic development strategy.
For over 20 years, the government of Japan has provided voluntary contributions through a Funds-in-Trust (FIT/JP) to finance projects for WIPO Member States in the Asia and Pacific region. This cooperation began in 1987 with the Japan Patent Office (JPO) in the field of industrial property (patents, trademarks, and industrial designs) and in 1993 with the Agency for Cultural Affairs in the field of copyright and related rights. In 2008 the Government of Japan began contributing to a new fund to support WIPO’s work with countries in Africa.
In response to increasing requests from developing countries for more information on the link between intellectual property and economic development, the WIPO Japan Office was established in 2006 to coordinate research projects on this issue. IP Advantage, a database collecting case studies of the successful application of IP by businesses, universities, and research institutes was developed in 2010. The Japan Office engages in more outreach and promotion activities to inform the Japanese public about WIPO such as PCT and Madrid, and its services, as well as the importance of IP in general. We also provide an assistance for the short-term fellowship and training sessions under Japan Funds-In-Trust in supporting intellectual property development in the Asia-Pacific region and others.
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Japan Office
Daido Seimei Kasumigaseki Bldg. 3F, 1-4-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0013, Japan
Tel:03-5532-5030 / Fax:03-5532-5031 (HQ) (Japan Office)
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