
  • プリント


“Learning from the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami”

Press Release 12-021-E 2012.05.21

“Learning from the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami”
A special booklet to send messages from Tohoku to the world at RIO+20

With a view to share Japan’s experiences and findings after the large-scale disasters with the world, the United Nations Information Centre (Tokyo) created a special booklet entitled “Learning from the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami ‘Good Practices’ from Japan: Towards a Sustainable Future”. Written in Japanese and English, the uniquely designed booklet will be distributed at various international and regional conferences including the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (RIO+20) in Rio de Janeiro, which will be held from 20 to 22 June 2012.

The booklet is based on rich discussions held during a special symposium on last year’s United Nations Day (24 October) entitled “Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Regeneration: From Tohoku to the World”, jointly organized by UN agencies in Japan in close partnership with Tohoku University. The discussions produced many valuable lessons to be learned as well as good practices from disaster relief, to recovery and for the regeneration of a sustainable new society. By no means exhaustive, five broad areas of “Good Practices” were drawn-out of the full-day event, in addition to a declaration by student representatives from Tohoku and Kobe areas. This booklet aims to capture the essence of the good practices identified from the experience in Japan, in the hope that it will lead to further discussions.

The booklet is designed under the theme of “relationships”. Through the experience of massive disasters, the Japanese people are revisiting the importance of human bond, national relationships, social networks and connectivity of our generation and future generations. A long piece of paper, folded several times, represents such ideas. The blue line that runs through the centre of the booklet represents water that has destroyed so many lives, yet is essential to sustain life. The blue string has been tied one by one by volunteers in the UN community, representing relationships and the image of UN.

The special booklet was produced in collaboration with Tohoku University, United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) liaison Office in Japan, United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Tokyo Office and with the support of the Business-University Forum of Japan (BUF) and DENTSU INC. The design support was provided by Mr. Katsumi Yutani and Mr. Junji Hata.

If you are interested in the booklet, please contact us.
United Nations Information Centre (Attn: Mr. Okano)
Tel: 03 5467 4451
Fax: 03 5467 4455
E-mail: unic.tokyo@unic.org

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