UNIC presents: “Careers in Building Peace – Behind the Scenes”
Press Release 14-006-E 2014.01.29
Thinking about the work done by the United Nations, the first thing that comes to mind is often the field of maintaining peace and security. Yet behind the scenes are staff members of the UN Departments of Political Affairs (DPA) and the Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), who devote themselves for the work with a strong conviction that they can help realize the goal.
Ayaka Suzuki, Deputy Director of the DPA’s Africa I Division, is one of them. She is currently in charge of 26 East African countries, including Egypt and Somalia. Having experienced various positions at multiple NGOs, Suzuki joined the DPKO in the late 1990s. She developed her career during the work at DPKO, which lasted about 13 years. Now, Suzuki serves as a Deputy Director at the DPA, a post that comes with a high level of responsibility. In a recently uploaded web story at UNIC Tokyo’s official website, she has shared her work philosophy with us, the source of motivation that keeps her going through hard work.
On Tuesday 18 February, UNIC Tokyo will organize a public event, welcoming Deputy Director Suzuki as the speaker. She will talk about her various experiences in peacekeeping operations, peace negotiations and peace-building efforts, as well as about career development at the United Nations generally.
Event Details
Time & Date: 14:00 – 15:30, Tuesday, 18 February 2014
(* Registration will start at 13:45 on the second floor of UNU Building.)
Location: United NationsUniversity Building, 5th Floor, Committee Room III
(5-53-70 Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Organized by: UN Information Centre Tokyo (UNIC)
Language: English
Seats: 60 persons
Entry fee: free
Registration: Please pre-register by e-mailing at event@untokyo.jp before Friday, 14 February, specifying “Event registration” as the subject, as well as your name, organization, number of persons attending and your e-mail address. (If the maximum number of guests has been reached, you will receive an email indicating this.)
Inquiries: UN Information Centre (Mr. Okano, Tel: 03-5467-4451)
Programme (provisional):
– Greeting by the organizer (Ms. Yasuko Senoo, Information Officer, UNIC Tokyo) (5 minutes)
– Presentation by Deputy Director Ms. Ayaka Suzuki (20 minutes)
– Q&A Session (30 minutes)
– Time for exchange and additional individual questions (30 minutes)
Those interested in working for the United Nations,
Working on the global stage, or working in the field of maintaining peace and security,
Come and join us!
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